What to Expect When Getting Your Braces Off?

If you’ve worn braces for any time, you understand the challenges of eating or not eating your favourite meals. When the day arrives for you to get them removed finally, it’ll be a great day! So, what happens after your invisible braces come off, and how can you prepare?

The day your braces come off is quite thrilling. You’ve been awaiting your new smile for months if not years! The visit will last around an hour, after which you will be on your way to show off your new teeth. But, before the holiday, you or your child may have questions about the procedure and what happens. Here’s what you can expect on the big day!

You may require professional teeth cleaning:

Depending on the type of orthodontic treatment you choose, you may need to have your teeth cleaned adequately after removing your invisible braces. Your brackets may have discoloured the parts of your teeth covered by them. While discolouration can be as simple as food and beverage staining, poor dental hygiene and frequent soda intake are the major causes of post-orthodontic decalcification.

Are white stains caused by braces permanent? No, they aren’t! After treatment, you can have your teeth professionally whitened or cleaned and whiten all surfaces of your teeth with at-home teeth whitening toothpaste and mouthwash. After your braces are removed, your orthodontist will advise you on how to clean or whiten your teeth!

Read More: Why Are My Teeth Shifting? What’s Happening And What I Can Do About It?

You get to wear a retainer!

Your orthodontist will give you a retainer after braces or clear aligners treatment. A retainer is a custom-made orthodontic device that helps stabilize the final position of your teeth once braces or ClearPath aligner treatment is complete. Retainers can be either fixed in place and cemented in the mouth or removable. The most common type of retainer is a thin, translucent retainer, similar to a clear aligner that prevents your teeth from shifting and reversing all your hard work in beautifying them!

Because the teeth are embedded in bone, retainers must be worn at night for the remainder of one’s life to keep the teeth from moving and returning to their pre-treatment position. When your braces or clear aligner Lahore treatment is finished, your orthodontist will tell you everything you need to know about wearing your retainer!

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Feel unusual sensations:

There will be some new sensations during your removal process. To remove the brackets, the orthodontist will use special pliers, gently squeezing each bracket. Each bracket will be separated from your teeth by this little squeeze.

You may hear strange sounds like cracking or popping while this squeezing occurs, this is very normal. You may also feel some slight discomfort or pressure. Again, this is entirely normal. This procedure is relatively painless, so don’t be concerned.

Scraping your teeth:

After removing your brackets, your orthodontists will use a unique tool to remove the dental cement or glue. This process may feel uncomfortable since they are scraping your teeth. Be patient, we know you’re eager to see your teeth, but there are a few more steps to take.

Your braces removal appointment could last an hour:

Your specific case will determine the length of your thrilling braces removal session. However, braces can be removed rather rapidly in general! Removing the braces and cleaning the glue material off the teeth takes about 15-20 minutes. Afterward, your orthodontist will take x-rays and photographs of your post-brace results. They will also need to take additional digital impressions to create your retainer. Finally, they’ll show you how to put your retainers on and care for them. Getting your braces removed is a simple procedure!

Read More: 5 Reasons You Need Clear Aligners to Straighten Your Misaligned Teeth

ClearPath Orthodontics

ClearPath Orthodontics is the premier, US FDA-approved manufacturer and provider of clear aligners/invisible braces in Pakistan. We also offer cutting-edge orthodontic/teeth straightening consultancy and custom invisible aligner trays to our overseas clients at competitive rates.

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